- wpmudev.com (HUB, Website, Forums and Live Chat)
We have identified that some users can't access https://wpmudev.com/hub2 - our engineers are currently investigating the issue.
We appreciate your patience while we look into resolution.
We've now resolved the incident. Thanks for your patience.
[Resolved] HUB2 temporally not accessible
Began: Ended: Duration: -
- APIs
- Broken Link Checker
We are currently experiencing intermittent issues with the BLC Cloud Scanner, which may cause delays or failures in link scans. Our team is actively investigating the issue and working on a resolution. We will provide updates as soon as more information becomes available. Thank you for your patience.
We've now resolved the incident. Thanks for your patience.
[Resolved] Intermittent Issues with BLC Cloud Scanner
Began: Ended: Duration: - Past notices
- No further notices from the past 30 days.